armed|unarmed officers

Your Premier Provider of Armed and Unarmed Officers in Utah

When it comes to security solutions, trust is paramount. At Strider Security, we lead the way in providing unparalleled armed and unarmed officers who are dedicated to keeping you and your assets safe. Our officers undergo extensive training in a wide range of areas, ensuring they are equipped to handle any security challenge with expertise and professionalism

Why Choose Strider Security ?

When you choose Strider Security, you’re choosing a partner who is committed to your safety and security above all else. Experience the difference that our armed and unarmed officers can make and trust us to provide you with the highest level of protection. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve peace of mind.

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Our officers undergo rigorous training in various aspects of security, including de-escalation techniques, conflict resolution, emergency response, and firearms proficiency. This comprehensive training ensures that our officers are well-prepared to handle any situation they may encounter.

In addition to standard security training, our officers receive specialized training in areas such as Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) services and crisis management. This specialized expertise allows our officers to provide a higher level of service and support to our clients.

At Strider Security, professionalism is our hallmark. Our officers are trained to conduct themselves with the utmost professionalism and integrity at all times, providing a positive representation of your organization and instilling confidence in those they serve.

With years of experience in the industry, Strider Security is recognized as a leading provider of security solutions and the highest rated security service in Utah. Our commitment to excellence and our dedication to customer satisfaction have earned us a reputation for reliability and quality that sets us apart from the competition.

We understand that every client has unique security needs. That's why we offer tailored security solutions designed to meet your specific requirements and budget. Whether you need armed officers for high-risk situations or unarmed officers for routine patrols, we have the expertise and resources to deliver the right solution for you.

Request a personalized security assessment today.

Don’t leave your security to chance. Partner with Strider Security and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your assets, employees, and neighborhoods are in safe hands.